Check Availability

Is there a specific location you are interested in or just in general?
What reasons did you pick that location?
When Do you Need a contract term to start?
What is your date of birth?
Note: You must be at least 18 years of age on the date of contract signing.
Who are you trying to find housing for?
How many people total are you with?
Are you looking for student housing?
How many rooms do you want?
Do you already have people you are trying to room with?
What are the names of the other people?
Are you planning on finding others to fill your group?
Would you like to be placed with a group of other students? 
Are you interested in
What gender are you?
What gender are you comfortable being placed with?
Are you ok with your roommates having a pet?
How many adults and kids including yourself?
What are the ages of all occupants?
How many bedrooms are you wanting?
What 3 amenities are most important to you?
If you have a preference on the floor (If a multi-floor option), which floor do you prefer?
Do you need a parking pass?
What kind of pets do you have?
What rental price range are you looking for?
What is your monthly gross income from all sources including any assistance?
Please suggest 2 or 3 days and times that would be best for a showing?
Where did you hear about us? *
Name, website, or other of referral *
Your first name *
Your last name *
Your phone *
Allow text messages *
Yes, I allow to be texted from AB Properties LLC. We may use text messages in our phone system when you request forms sent to your phone or when you are a tenant through our billing system for reminders. Data & msg rates may apply.
Your email address *

Have you already completed the check availability request?

Before applying to an individual property, please check the availability first. If you haven’t already filled out the Check Availability form, please do that now. Once you complete the Check Availability form, you may continue to apply.